How to Make Simple Cookies

How to Make Simple Cookies

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Cookies are a crown favorite that will surely warm up any gathering with friends and family. They are thin, dry, and small, yet everybody loves them. Who knew that these snacks were created because of a baking accident? People used to put a small batch of dough in the oven to test the temperature and it turns out that these samples become crunchy and tasty. The word cookies is derived from a Dutch word koekje, which means small cake.

The basic ingredients for this snack are flour, margarine, eggs, and sugar. You can add chocolate chips, sesame, dried fruits, and other toppings for variation. Recently, people started to add cereals. By using these ingredients, cookies are considered macro-nutritional, providing energy for the body, such as carbohydrates and fat. They also have a high protein content that fuels metabolism so food can be turned into energy.

– 100 g palm sugar
– 3 eggs
– 150 g granulated sugar
– 1/2 teaspoon salt
– 50 g peanut butter
– 125 g butter
– 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
– 100 g chocolate candy
– 200 g chocolate chips
– 100 g raisins
– 1 teaspoon baking soda
– 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
– 125 g flour
– 350 g oatmeal

Cooking Instructions
– Preheat oven to 17- degrees Celsius, grease a baking tray and line it with a baking sheet
– Mix the eggs and sugar in a large bowl. Stir well
– Add salt, vanilla, peanut butter and butter. Stir well
– Add the flour. Stir until it reaches a doughy consistency
– Add the chocolate candy, chocolate chips, raisins, baking soda, and oatmeal. Stir
– Use a mold or spoon to measure out the cookie dough. Place portions one by one onto the baking sheet. Leave some space between each portion. The dough can also be flatten using the tip of a damp finger
– Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven
– Leave cookies on tray for 3 minutes
– Once they are cool, place cookies in an airtight jar to keep them crisp